If you’re struggling to find answers to life’s deepest questions, need guidance on your life purpose, or feel hopeless about your health, know that finding comfort, clarity, and healing, IS POSSIBLE.

Alice “Alicja” Jones is here to show you how, to be your loving spiritual guide, and to help facilitate your healing.


Who is Alice “Alicja” Jones?

Born in Tomaszów Lubelski, Poland, with a caul over her face, an omen of high psychic ability, her first name – Stanislawa– translates into Light, and her middle name – Alicja, from which Alice is derived – translates into Truth. That is what she brings to her Spiritual and Past Life readings — Light and Truth.

Alice channels wisdom from Spirit, including: your angels, guides, ancestors, your Higher Power, the Archangels, the Ascended Masters, the Devic kingdom, the Brotherhood of White Light, and the Council of Twelve to bring you messages which many times include PAST LIVES and how they impact this life.

She offers clarification about relationships, health, career, education, and life purpose. Jones is also the Lead Minister of the Rays of Healing Church (northern Virginia branch), an intuitive counselor, energy healer, and author.